Palm Beach Resort and Spa restoration project started on the 5th of February 2018 and aimed to study variations in coral growth using different methodologies and to investigate the biodiversity and abundance of the fish community attracted by the coral nursery.
Furthermore, the project contributes to finding a practical method to relocate the grown-up corals to natural substrates, once they are grown into juvenile colonies(from 15 to 20 cm).
Thanks to the help of the team in Palm Beach Resort and Spa it was possible to set up two different restoration areas and to experiment in different conditions!
The methodologies experimented with included growing corals:
In cement plugs
On steel frames
On fishing lines
The cement plugs were fixed on a PVC frame and once grown up to relocate to the reef. This methodology allows relocating corals easily.
On steel frames the coral fragments were attached with cable ties, this is a quick and effective method, but it does not allow to relocate the corals back to the reef. Once attached to the frame the corals will grow on it covering the whole surface. This method is preferred when the nursery area coincides with the restoration site.
By tying coral fragments on fishing lines they will be far from the sand and bottom predators. Also, the surface where algae can develop is reduced. However, the coral will grow 360° around the line, making it difficult to attach it back to the reef.
Once the corals reached juvenile size they were relocated to the reef using marine epoxy.
With this methodology, it’s possible to restore degraded areas of reef in a shorter time. In this project the corals were growing in a protected environment (the lagoon), this minimize the presence of predators and the action of the waves and maximize the coral growth.
We are looking forward to working again with Palm Beach Resort and Spa and to extend the restoration site!